Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mohamad dreams of UEFA Cup

Cologne -
The two away wins in Wolfsburg and Frankfurt provide a lot of confidence in the Cologne Ensemble. And captain Youssef Mohamad is now confident gaaaaanz: "I always look up. We have two opportunities to Europe. In the Cup and now in the league. And we have the quality up there reinzustoßen. "
Total jeck, or realistic? "In the Cup in Augsburg, we have a difficult task. But we want to solve. Then there is only one step to the final. And in the league we can do with a home victory against Hamburg for a second. We can be sixth, "said Dodo. Others give more reserved - despite only four points behind Werder Bremen. Manager Michael Meier: "We should be very careful to stay with both feet on the ground. Only after a week with games against Hamburg, Augsburg and Schalke also we can take stock. "
But the players are confident. Striker Sebastian Freis: "We now have the luck. We now need a series. "Sixth entitled to Euro League qualification, should be two internationally qualified clubs come into the Cup final.
Therefore, the FC-professionals are hot on Hamburg. Mohamad: "We want to give the fans a victory!"