Thursday, June 17, 2010

Istanbul screaming (b) t for Daum

Cologne / Istanbul - Christoph Daum (55) goes back to Turkey. Istanbul and all spins - "Cilginlik" (Turkish for: Insanity) pure!
Although not present in the 12-million-inhabitant metropolis, the designated coach of Croesus club Fenerbahce fills already the Gazzetten!
All newspapers speculate about Daum's plans. Names of potential new entrants pop up like weeds from the soil. No wonder, after it was leaked on Wednesday that Daum had met with Aziz Yildirim Boss in Zurich for future summits ...
Whimsical here is that the most speculation is far-fetched. They allege some leaves, the former champion maker could squander 40 million € and would bring home from the Rhineland, the Bayer-Stars Patrick Helmes and Simon Rolfes.
Even FC-Star Pedro Geromel should belong. It just prolonged the early 2014.
Daum even reached the insanity around him barely a family holiday in Majorca. When he is presented with "fire" is still unclear. With regulate coach Luiz Opa-Aragones, the club nor the compensation.
And so the thoughts of the coach in an exclusive interview with EXPRESS circled above all still at the FC.
"I leave an orderly house," said he, "which club in Europe can already spend € 10 million for a player like FC for Lukas Podolski?" The answer is easy. Thumb are found in the Istanbul newspaper.
All about the thumb-quake: EXCLUSIVE! Now Christoph Daum> Thus says the deal was with Fenerbahce> Daum's mouth: What was going on behind the scenes>
Still want more FC News: Pedro Geromel remains until 2014 when FC> Daum Sosa now extended to Fenerbahce guide> Matip the first FC Cologne>

Friday, June 11, 2010

Bielefeld threatened financial collapse

Bielefeld -
The world's largest accounting firm KPMG revealed the chaos on: Arminia Bielefeld are threatened with financial collapse. Three million minus € shows the balance for fiscal 2009. Supervisory board chairman Norbert Leopoldseder sounds the alarm: "2009 was a disastrous years for Arminia."
After the Bundesliga relegation sponsor Krombacher announced end of the season. The audience (the last only 10 600 to Koblenz stayed away). Arminias accounts are closed two days, sold the furniture of the VIP boxes at the Sparkasse Bielefeld and was again zurückgeleast be. The December salaries of the players were able to EXPRESS information will be transferred only with an emergency loan, branch offices, employees have been waiting two months for their wages.
Dismissals are not excluded. The Municipal Hospital Bielefeld granted a loan of 250,000 euros with three years maturity - at a rate of 0.5 percent! Fortune plays rival promotion the season has not ended? Finance Director Heinz Anders: "Our main goal is participation Arminias teams play to be sustained."

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Bundesliga Sunday matches in the third program

Munich - The ARD will provide the football fans of the kommendenSaison with a summary of the Bundesliga Sunday matches Inits regional programs.
"You will see the Bundesliga amSonntag in the third program," said the head of sport desWestdeutschen Rundfunk (WDR), Steffen Simon, on Monday at the einerDiskussionsrunde "SpoBiS" Congress in the sporting goods trade fair ISPO in Munich.
About broadcasting time, scope and participation of all drittenProgramme Simon made no specific information.
It makes no sense to jetzigenZeitpunkt to talk about "ungelegte eggs". Currently advise werdeARD denSonntagspielen internally on the coverage of the Bundesliga. In general, these are two, even three wenigenAusnahmefällen. Highlights of the games there will be auchin the ARD "issues of the day."
   The ARD is on Sunday evening, bound by contract to a Sendefensterzwischen 21.45 clock and 23 clock, as the Geschäftsführerder German Football League (DFL), Christian Seifert, betrayed at derPodiumsdiskussion. In addition, there was a "Minimum Time".
If the ARD would not satisfy these conditions, these end-rights fell back to the DFL, told Seifert. However, ARD müsstedie in this case nevertheless charged fully for their rights ergänzteSimon.