Friday, June 11, 2010

Bielefeld threatened financial collapse

Bielefeld -
The world's largest accounting firm KPMG revealed the chaos on: Arminia Bielefeld are threatened with financial collapse. Three million minus € shows the balance for fiscal 2009. Supervisory board chairman Norbert Leopoldseder sounds the alarm: "2009 was a disastrous years for Arminia."
After the Bundesliga relegation sponsor Krombacher announced end of the season. The audience (the last only 10 600 to Koblenz stayed away). Arminias accounts are closed two days, sold the furniture of the VIP boxes at the Sparkasse Bielefeld and was again zurückgeleast be. The December salaries of the players were able to EXPRESS information will be transferred only with an emergency loan, branch offices, employees have been waiting two months for their wages.
Dismissals are not excluded. The Municipal Hospital Bielefeld granted a loan of 250,000 euros with three years maturity - at a rate of 0.5 percent! Fortune plays rival promotion the season has not ended? Finance Director Heinz Anders: "Our main goal is participation Arminias teams play to be sustained."