Thursday, May 6, 2010

8-year-old wanted to poison schoolmate

Hamburg - It is a little genius who writes the best grades, has already skipped two classes.
But instead of being respected by their peers for it to have four classmates small Patrizia (8) from Hamburg, tried to poison. Out of envy, because they did not fit the crafty girl.
) Patrizia (name changed still can not grasp what they've done their classmates. "They wanted to poison me and wished that I'm dead," she says indignantly in the TV show "Punkt12. Those are two girls and two boys from the fourth grade of a Hamburg school.
Together, they plotted the gruesome plan. One of the guys at home, mixed a poisonous cocktail of shoe polish, perfume, glass and bathroom cleaner in the long break was filled and the other the liquid to seep into Patrizia's bottle, while the eight year old innocently playing on the playground.
Later, when she picks up the bottle, she noticed small bubbles on the liquid, sipping only briefly on it. Luckily. "Nevertheless, I got abdominal pain," says Patrizia. The eight year old is taken to hospital, the doctors inform the poison expert at the police. The other pupils have since been, however, are not criminal responsibility. "Why do children do that?" Asks Patrizia's horrified mother. "One of the girls was even her friend."
The cocktail could cauterize Patrizia's esophagus. All this because the children were envious of the successful eight year old, the best in the class, and just like to go to school.
The poisoners have now been placed in a parallel class. But Patrizia's parents consult a change of school for their clever daughter into consideration so that they do not have to deal with their envious constantly on the playground.