Monday, April 12, 2010

RTL presenter: So plopped my horse in the pool

Neunkirchen-Seelscheid - And suddenly a horse standing in the pool. "I thought, like I wake up - and it was all a nightmare," says Birgit von Bentzel (40).
The horse in the pool of Neunkirchen-Seelscheid - it is "Shitan," the stallion of the RTL presenter.
Three Clock in the night to Tuesday. "A loud bang and my friend pulled me from sleep. Immediately I rushed outside. And then this: Shitan stood up to the head in the 1.50 meter deep pool, "tells of Bentzel.
What happened? The "Point 6" presenter: "Shitan Abel stood with my gelding in the pasture behind the house. It has probably aroused the curiosity of our garden where fresh grass just grows. Suddenly, he is broken by the current fence and crashed through the pool cover. "
First tried by Bentzel and her boyfriend Christian Oliver (TV Producer) Shitan to liberate themselves. "We sunk a wooden bench, which should serve as a stairway. But Shitan broke away and hurt in the process. "
The fire department was needed to friendly veterinarian, Dr. Andreas Bücheler to advanced. "The water was pumped out, we built in the empty tanks, a new staircase from bales of hay. Only Shitan slipped away again, then it worked. After four hours he was gone. "
All's well that ends well? Almost. In between, These were the second horse a colic. Birgit von Bentzel: "And Shitan still has water in the lungs and cuts. In any case, he has made to its name Shitan comes from the Arabic and is called the devil. "