Friday, April 30, 2010

"Ishiaku fit in five weeks for the league"

Cologne - Monday 45 minutes, 23 minutes Tuesday: As long as "trained" Manasseh Ishiaku first time this week with the team.
"Mana has not stopped training, but we do it consciously gradually approached the team," said coach Christoph Daum. But can help gradually until the 25-year-old newcomer his crew are still days, weeks kölsche move into the country.
"I expect that mana in four to five weeks and is ready for competitions. He is now losing in a phase as a player after the holiday season begins, "must continue on the thumb forward, still without ist.Laut team appearances for FC FC physio Dieter Trzolek Ishiaku preparing the previously injured ankle no pain. "He is so far restored, but needs to gain condition again."
It was not until late November, early December Ishiaku was again an issue for the League, says Daum. Currently, the Nigerian working off his individual program with fitness trainer Cem Bagci. End of the week undergoing Ishiaku to the medical officer in Antwerp in a final Kontrolluntersuchung.Ishiaku must work not only at the gym.
Daum: "We need to work with a lot of mana in the mental area. This situation is new to him. He needs to regain faith in their own strength. "

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Today's snowing Kamelle

Cologne --
In Cologne's snowing Monday chestnut! The Jecke people looking forward to a snowball fight on Zoch. But for many of the white beauty carnival becomes a nightmare.
The honor guard as fears for the use of their horses - the worst-case scenario for the traditional society. Only one is left: "We are betting that it is not snowing," said Christoph Zugleiter Kuckelkorn.
Snowplows will release the entire migratory route of snow and ice. "There was indeed withheld extra salt on Clean Monday." Said Kuckelkorn, "we are here in good spirits."
Even the weather plays into the hands of the Festival Committee. "It will be cloudy, but only very occasionally snow," said Andrea Hornberg by the Weather "
For the horses, but it could still be very slippery. While the city of Bonn has a horse-Ban on the train has spoken, the cavalry corps "honor guard" in an uproar.
"Even if it rains we have big problems. Our horses are also drawn carriages, which can be dangerous, especially when it's all uphill, "said Honor Guard Zugleiter Father Laßke.
And then there's this cold. One degree is expected to reach the thermometer. While OB Juergen Roters (marching at the Cologne KG) attracts his running shorts, is the triumvirate on heating pads (approximately 12 hours of oxygen to keep warm).
"I kleb me the things under his feet," says Martina Virgin - because the sweetness of your shoes are so thin. Bauer and Hubert runs the old bulb technology, two jackets unters regalia.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Daum sour after Antars alone

Cologne - Cologne coach Christoph Daum, if (Welcomes 55) its professionals on Wednesday by 15 clock on the training ground, will not be forthcoming for the Brotherly Roda Antar (28). The Lebanese are not as fact.
Antar has flown on Monday for the match against Syria in Beirut. And it provides to the Wolfsburg-cracker on Saturday for more bad atmosphere at FC when they first wanted to reveal!
Because: The preparation for the all-important second half start is severely disturbed. The club has only grudgingly agreed to Antars trip - much rather have you seen it, if the player had all the concentration on the game and put Wolfsburg had remained in Cologne.
Youssef Mohamad can understand Antars decision: HERE> click
"I miss him in every nook and cranny," groans thumb goes on the staffing of the gums. With Captain Novakovic and Geromel fall from two top-locked stars. To Pierre Wome is violated.
However, the acute Personalnot Antar was not swayed by his isolation. In vain addressed each thumb and Assi Roland Koch (56) the mouths fuzzy.
"Listen. You are important to us. Let you all go through my head, I told him, "said the coach. Antars answer: "They need me. That is more than just a match. "
Voice's - and departed. It was not until Thursday afternoon is expected to rise Held in Cologne back. Its place in the starting lineup for Saturday so he has given away well.
"In any case, one is disappointed as a coach. Because we definitely need to retrieve Roda and he, after all the difficult journey tiredness top performance can be, "said Koch, the show but also an understanding," Lebanon against Syria is like Germany against Holland. Roda is emotionally trapped in his situation. He wants to help his country. "

Monday, April 12, 2010

RTL presenter: So plopped my horse in the pool

Neunkirchen-Seelscheid - And suddenly a horse standing in the pool. "I thought, like I wake up - and it was all a nightmare," says Birgit von Bentzel (40).
The horse in the pool of Neunkirchen-Seelscheid - it is "Shitan," the stallion of the RTL presenter.
Three Clock in the night to Tuesday. "A loud bang and my friend pulled me from sleep. Immediately I rushed outside. And then this: Shitan stood up to the head in the 1.50 meter deep pool, "tells of Bentzel.
What happened? The "Point 6" presenter: "Shitan Abel stood with my gelding in the pasture behind the house. It has probably aroused the curiosity of our garden where fresh grass just grows. Suddenly, he is broken by the current fence and crashed through the pool cover. "
First tried by Bentzel and her boyfriend Christian Oliver (TV Producer) Shitan to liberate themselves. "We sunk a wooden bench, which should serve as a stairway. But Shitan broke away and hurt in the process. "
The fire department was needed to friendly veterinarian, Dr. Andreas Bücheler to advanced. "The water was pumped out, we built in the empty tanks, a new staircase from bales of hay. Only Shitan slipped away again, then it worked. After four hours he was gone. "
All's well that ends well? Almost. In between, These were the second horse a colic. Birgit von Bentzel: "And Shitan still has water in the lungs and cuts. In any case, he has made to its name Shitan comes from the Arabic and is called the devil. "

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A year on probation for Richard Blömer

Cologne - The former chairman of the CDU in Cologne, Richard Blomer, on Tuesday by the Cologne Regional Court sentenced to one year imprisonment on probation.
The former North Rhine-Westphalia State Parliament, was infidelity, fraud and tax evasion Beihilfezur guilty. Eight other defendants, the court sentenced to fines.
The judges saw it as evidence that in 1999 at the Cologne CDU illegal cash donations were recorded. In part, alleged Spendersteuerlich deductible receipts should have received, without it actually had paid something to the CDU.
Read also: Prosecutor calls for ten months Blömer Again> turmoil in Blömer process> CDU contributions scandal 'before court